Friday, August 27, 2010

Social and Ethical Issues

Reliability refers to the operation of hardware, the design of the software. the accuracy of data or the correspondence of data awith the real worlds. Data may be unrealiable if it is entered incorrectly or if it becomes outdated.

  • For example, a medical record that becomes dissociated from the patient it refers to becomes unreliable.

Integrity refers to the correspondence of data with itself, as its creation. Data lacks integrity when it has been changed accidentally or had been tempered with.

  • For example,a hacker might change his drivers liscence data, resulting in arrests of innocent people.
Education and Training
Use of IT in teaching and learning: Educational software, online research and forms, virtual learning, ernvironments (VLE), e-books, Web 2.0 educational networks, use of mobile devices, game-based learning, fully immersive environments, filtering and monitoring of students' interent use, 1-to-1, m-learning
Hardware and network technologies in the classroom: Laptop computers, handheld devices, intereactive whiteboards.

Explaining Green Computing Video Notes

The Impact:
  • Energy costs already excceed hardware costs 
  • One pc  1.8 TONS of chemicals to buid a desktop computer

Energy Reduction
  • Turni off idle PCs
  • Lower power hardware--
  • Server virtuallizatio
  • Hardware as service
  • Energy efficient coding- saves power by writing software

===>US and UK 20bn kWh wasted due to PCs being on overnight

IBM Project big green
2900 servers
30 mainframes
80% saving

Computers can
  • increase business efficiciency
  • enable dematerealization
  • reduce the need for people to travel

Computing has already saved more resources that it has consumed

The Green Machine
New kid on the IT block.

Purchasing Strategy
  • laptops instead of PCs
  • If PCs, then make them thin clients
  • dont over -specify
  • high efficiency power supply unites
  • only green rated equiptment 
  • set monitors to "low power
  • mode after inactivity
  • switch off computers and other equipment after hours
Data Centres
  • highly efficient servers purchase
  • virtual servers if possinlble
  • review cooling

Explaining Green Computing

Dark Ages or Golden Ages You Decide Part 1

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How a Binary Works

How Binary works
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 20
Binary uses two digits, each column is worth the twice the one before.
To convert binary to decmimal WRITE IN EXPANDED NOTATION
Binary to Decimal SOLUTION; use Microsoft Windows Calculator

ITGS Entry 2 -Chapter 2 (Tomorrow's Technology and You 8/e)

Bits as Numbers
    Binary number system   
  • binary denotes all the numbers with combination of two digits
  • decimal numbers are automatically converted into binary numbers and vice versa
  • binary number processing is completely hidden from the user

decimal representation- binary representation

Bits as Codes

the most wideley used code
an abbreviation of American Standard code for Information Interchange

A coding scheme that supports 65,000 unique characters

Bits as Instructions in Programs
-->Programs are stored as collections of bits
Program instructions are represented in binary notation through the use of codes

Bits, Bytes, and Buyzzwords
byte=8 bits
kilobyte= 1 thousand bytes
megabytes= 1 million bytes
gigabytes= 1 billion bytes
terabytes= 1 trillion bytes

Green Computing
The manufacture of hardware and software can have an impact on the environment.
-- buy green equipment (energy star)
--Use a network and solar battery
-- turn off the computer when you're away
--screen savers don't save energy
--print only once
 --recycle waste products

Chapter 2 Objectives

*basic structure
*organization of comp

What Computers Do
*Receive input - accept information outside world
*Process information - decision making
* Store information: move/store info.

Input Devices - keyboards
Output devices - printer, speakers
Central processing Unit (CPU) - processes input

Memory and Storage Devices
*Primary storage RAM (Random Access Memory)
*Secondary storage: storage devices that serve as long-term repositories for
**hard disk devices
**tape drivers

*communication that has value b/c it informs
**anything that can be communicated whether it is valuable or not
**words, numbers, pictures
**sound, movies

Computer info is digital
**Byte = 8 bits

Steps in the Scientific Method
*Science Project, regular project
You go through the following steps:
  1. problem
  2. hypothesize data
  3. analyze
  4. scientific
  5. conclusion
Question is identified
--data sought/gathered
--hypo tested/evaluated
--reliable conclusion

Critical Thinking
-correct thinking in the pursuit of revelant/reliable knowledge about the world
(think critic-does what)
- ask appropriate?
- gather info
- efficiently/creatively sort info
- reason info
- come to conclusion
Bits as Numbers
    Binary number system   
How Binary works
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 20
Binary uses two digits, each column is worth the twice the one before.
To convert binary to decmimal WRITE IN EXPANDED NOTATION
Binary to Decimal SOLUTION; use Microsoft Windows Calculator
  • binary denotes all the numbers with combination of two digits
  • decimal numbers are automatically converted into binary numbers and vice versa
  • binary number processing is completely hidden from the user

decimal representation- binary representation

Bits as Codes

the most wideley used code
an abbreviation of American Standard code for Information Interchange

A coding scheme that supports 65,000 unique characters

Bits as Instructions in Programs
-->Programs are stored as collections of bits
Program instructions are represented in binary notation through the use of codes

Bits, Bytes, and Buyzzwords
byte=8 bits
kilobyte= 1 thousand bytes
megabytes= 1 million bytes
gigabytes= 1 billion bytes
terabytes= 1 trillion bytes

Green Computing
The manufacture of hardware and software can have an impact on the environment.
-- buy green equipment (energy star)
--Use a network and solar battery
-- turn off the computer when you're away
--screen savers don't save energy
--print only once
 --recycle waste products