Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chapter 10- Computer Security and Risks Parts One and Two Review Questions

  1. Why is it hard to determine the extent of computer crime? It is hard to the extent of computer crime because there are several issues that users come across. Such as, false identities, lack of available systems that can help trace the identity of the perpatrator. Also, the crime us also usually found out after a long time, due to loss of evidence. Also, laws are not clear either.
  2. What is the most common computer crime? Who commits it? What is being done to stop it? One of the most common computer crime is software piracy, which is a violation of intellectual property laws. Software piracy is usually committed by millions of people, often unknowingly.Because of the rise of computer crimes, especcialy piracy, computer organizations have developed a number of computer security techniques to protext their system and data.
  3. What are intellectual property laws, and how do they apply to software? Intellectual property laws include the results of intellectual activities in the arts, science, and industry.
  4. Describe several different computer security techniques, and explain the purpose of each. Some security techniques, such as keys and bades, are desifned to restrict physical access to computers. Other examples are passwords, encryption, shielding, and audit-control software.
  5. Describe the typical computer criminal. How does he or she differ from the media stereotype?The most typical computer criminal is a trusted employee with personal or financial problems an knowledge of a conputer system. This is different from the media's belief that computer crimes are comitted by young, bright computer wizzards, called hackers.
  6. In what ways can computer security protect the Privacy of individuals? In what ways can computer security threaten the privacy of individuals? Computer security can protect the Privacy of individuals through anti-virus software. It can also threaten the privacy of individuals through the trade-offs between computer secuirity and freedom. Also, bugs and hardware glitches are issues.
  7. Every afternoon at closing time, the First Taxpayer's Bank copies all the day's accumalated transaction information from disk to take. Why? The bank does so to prevent any possible stealing or hacking of the money. Also, by removing the information from disk to take, there are less chances for loss of information incase of computer system or machine breakdowns.
  8. What are the two inherent characteristics of computers that make security so difficult? One characteristic is the fact that some computers nowadays hide potential for errors and deception under an impressive user interface. Another characteristic is that although several computers nowadays have security, absolute security is not possible. 

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